Unique products for researchers of regenerative medicine
For the better quality of life |
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The graph shows an example of one day schedule of a busy researcher on regenerative medicine.
Routine work occupy a very big part. Cell culture, DNA extraction and Immuno-staining, a lot of time is spent on routine work.
And, unfortunately, he has no private time. In the field of regenerative medicine, our mission is improvement of quality of life of researchers.
CORESCOPE products will decrease the time of routine work by increase work efficiency and reduce simple mistakes.
As a result, researcher can get a lot of time for really important work, and get a private time to spend with family or friends.
Improvement of quality of life of researchers will lead to better research results for cure of disease.
Multi-channel Aspirator [YS-MASP-01] |
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Generally, 96 well microplate is widely used for cell culture experiments.
The cells are grown by the replacement of culture medium every day.
Conventionally, old medium are aspirated one by one as shown left figure.
However, this method is time-consuming. Several companies already sell multi-channel dispensing instruments.
However, there was no multi-channel aspiration dedicated instrument for culture medium replacement.
Therefore, we have developed a multi-channel aspirator YS-MASP-01.
This product increase work efficiency of culture medium aspiration to eight times.
Dry Constant Temperature Reservoir [YS-DCTR-01] |
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YS-DCTR-01 is an apparatus for maintaining a constant temperature of centrifuge tube in a clean bench.
Conventionally, culture medium in centrifuge tubes are wormed up by water bath. However, hot water in the bath is not clean.
Therefore, water bath has a risk of contamination.
This product is effective in suppression of contamination because a dry heat retention system without water is applied.
Culture medium in centrifuge tubes get cooler and cooler in time on conventional tube stand.
In this situation, researcher make mistakes under time pressure.
YS-DCTR-01 can stay hot condition of centrifuge tubes at 37 degrees Celsius.
Therefore, researcher can keep relax and concentrate. As a result, simple mistakes on experiments are reduced.
In addition, this product is designed compact transparent container with good visibility, so as to ensure the operability of the researcher.